Mom guilt…I haz it

So let me start by re-introducing myself:

Hi, I’m the woman who started a blog with these high aspirations to blog and share and let the internet see the sarcasm that lives in me. Well I started blogging and quickly realized how uninteresting my life is! It’s not really I just can’t seem to organize the thoughts tumbling around my skull down onto paper.

Anyways now that I am totally off track from where I started (see that tumbling skull thing I’m talking about) let me get to my actual blog post: MOM GUILT!

Mom guilt: the belief that you are always doing something wrong, or not doing enough, or letting someone down, and on and on and on.

I am a stay at home mom, I love my job. I love that we are in a position that I am able to stay home and watch my kid grow. My husband loves the fact that I can stay home he says he likes knowing who is taking care of his kid and he doesn’t have to worry (I do enough of that for both of us anyway!), but with this gig comes an immense amount of mom guilt.

*Disclaimer I know working mama’s experience mom-guilt I’ve read many a blog post and I can say I do not envy your position (except on days when I have a tantruming 2-year-old! I would clean port-a-potties on those days)

I seem to feel guilty no matter what I do and it’s days like todays that it all comes to a head and I feel like I can’t do anything correctly or make anyone happy so I would like to crawl under a rock.

Here are some of the reasons I feel guilty all the time, feel free to play along in the woah is my game 🙂

First off the fact that I’m a SAHM. I know my husband doesn’t care that he is the only one bringing home a paycheck, but I do there are days when he works really late or has to go out-of-town when I think if I worked he wouldn’t have to work so hard. (he would but tell my brain that) I also sometimes feel like I am wasting my very expensive education but that is a whole other blog post.

Another issue is time, THERE IS NONE, where does it all go I feel like I’m in some type of worm hole where there is less than 24 hours in the day! I spend very little time away from Cooper and when I do I feel awful like I should be with him ALL THE TIME it makes me crazy. I’m home with him all day and hen my H comes home and offers me a break I don’t take it because I feel bad that hes’ been at work all day. I also started weight watchers 2 months ago (20 pounds woot woot) and I wanted to start going to the gym to ramp up my weight loss, yet I can’t get over the guilt of taking time for myself. We belong to the Y so there is an awesome kid’s room where they can play while a parent works out, but I cannot leave him there. I know he would love playing with other kids and new toys but I feel bad putting my kid in childcare just so I can run on the treadmill!

I’m soo sorry my first post back is all poor me, it’s really not like me but I think I just needed to vomit my words to a bunch of strangers as a bit of therapy.

Do you experience mom guilt? What do you do to deal with it?

I promise my next post will be all puppies and rainbows, it will be Cooper’s 2nd birthday post!

See now I feel guilty for using part of nap time to blog oh the agony!!

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Calling all party planners and crafty crafters!!

I know I haven’t posted in ages ( I’m sure my 2 readers are broken hearted) but I have some posts ready to go, but right now I am asking for some input into Cooper’s 2nd birthday party.

The theme is………….. wait for it


ELMO I know original right! but the kid is obsessed! We just returned from Sesame Place which is a whole other post but he’s pretty bummed that he doesn’t currently reside at 123 Sesame street.

So anyways moving on I would love some creative input into his party, right now the only thing I have is doing real goldfish for favors for the kids.

So put your party planning panties on and grab your crafty hats and help a momma out 🙂

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Wordless Wednesday-week 1

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Snow, snow, go away! please?

Ok let me start by saying I know Winter is virtually over and I’m sure  Spring is in the air for some of you (lucky!) but that is not the case here. After 1 nice day and by nice I mean it was 45 and rainy, we were hit by 20 inches of snow!!!

So needless to say we won’t be playing outside anytime soon, and I feel like I have used up all my creativity for one winter. I don’t know what to do to keep my 18 month old entertained anymore. We’ve colored,painted, play-dohed (is that a word lol?) built with blocks, it feels like we have done it all!

Which means I am crying out for your help, all you super creative moms (and dads) out there what are you guys doing to entertain your little ones? I will take any suggestion just not the ones that say go out in the warm sunshine and play! Grrrr Mother Nature I have a beef with you!

Suggest away

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There was a bat in our bedroom!!

    This whole saga happened quite awhile ago ( I was actually 8 months preggo with Cooper) but my mother just reminded me of it tonight so I had to write about it, it is HILARIOUS!

   Ok so I know what your all thinking how could a bat in your bedroom be funny? well read on you’ll see why in a minute

   Let me set the scene for you: it is 2 o clock in the morning at the end of August so it is HOT, which means we had our bedroom door shut (this will turn out to be a bad decision later just wait) because the air conditioning was on.

   So it’s 2am and I am the only one awake surfing the web (actually I was on that dreading message board that no one talks about, hey I was young a dumb was) and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see something fly by. Now I am totally not thinking bat I’m thinking more pregnancy related stroke or brain tumor you know that shiny happy stuff. Well then I see something fly across the ceiling and I realize holy shit were gonna die it’s a BAT!!!!

   It took me all of about 1/2 sec to throw myself under the covers and start trying (unsuccessfully) to wake my husband, after gently (read kicking) him awake and explaining there is a blood sucking vampire bat in our room I send the great white hunter to get it the F out!

So now comes the funny part are you ready?


   I know gross right (let’s save it for another post) but the fact that he had to now save his wife, unborn babe, and 2 dogs who are huddled under the comforter no help at all!!! So he gets the brilliant idea to use the lid to our hamper to try and swat it down, did I mention the freaking door is shut so me and the dogs can’t get out? oh I did ok.

  So I hear him swatting and I hear the murderous bat flapping well all of a sudden it decided to fly behind our headboard right by my head, and all I’m thinking is oh my god it’s going to get caught in my hair, what if it has rabies? can you get a rabies shot when your pregnant? what if I turn into a vampire?

  Anyways so my husband finally swats the beast out of the air and onto, wait for it again…..


   All I hear is “Don’t move” yeah hun you really don’t have to worry about that. so he scoops the bat up in a t-shirt and takes it to the bedroom window. Now again he is butt naked trying to get a bat out of a window that faces out onto our street and just to top it off its right under a street light, good thing it was 2am or our elderly neighbors might have dropped dead in the driveway.

   So that is my bat story, it really is hysterical when I think of my husband jumping around swatting at a bat all while in his birthday suit, but let me tell you at the time it was the scariest thing EVER! I made sure he sealed this house up after this incident.

P.S. Cooper was born 2 days later, he was 21 days early I pretty sure I scared him right the heck out!!

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The glamourous life of parenting

i.e. the crap they don’t tell you about in those damn child rearing books ( yeah I’m looking at you What to Expect)

Remember showers before kids? You know the ones where you  drained the hot water tank shaving your legs and scouring dead skin all while belting out your favorite NKTOB Lady Gaga  song ( just me? oh ok)

Well after kids those showers are no more. They are replaced with mad dashes to get the filth off while praying nothing gets flushed down the toilet.

 Take today for example I took a 2 1/2 minute shower while my son stood outside the tub a poked me with a spoon. Each time giggling and saying WHOOOOOA! Now I have 2 questions: When will I get my showers back? and where the hell did my kid find a spoon?!

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Why my kid will never be a ballerina

     So I finally decided to start a blog, and I know I am very late to the blogging party, (it’s kinda like going to Best Buy looking for a VCR.) but since becoming a parent I have been reading parenting blogs and they are great!

     I planned on my first post being all: this is why I’m getting into blogging, all about me blah, blah,blah. Instead I decided to share a dose of my daily life with my little curtain climber.   

     This little video just proves why my son will NEVER be a ballerina, besides the fact that my husband would probably not appreciate me putting his boy in tights.

Enjoy! (oh yeah and I am totes sending this into America’s Funniest Home Videos)

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